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       Renée Gilbert, Ph.D.
       Licensed Clinical Psychologist

40 Lake Bellevue Drive, Suite 100
Bellevue, Washington 98005
(425) 455-5400


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Emotional Intelligence (EQ) . . .

For more information or dates and locations of classes not presently scheduled, please inquire at  classes@reneegilbert.com.

A word about Emotional Intelligence . . .  While the abbreviation "EQ" dates back to Reuven Bar-On who first used the abbreviation in the 1980's and the term "Emotional Intelligence" is credited to Peter Salovey and John Mayer from their landmark study published in 1990, it was Daniel Golemen and his book Emotional Intelligence who first brought the concept of Emotional Intelligence to the attention of the general public.

Goleman's book prompted both a resurgence of attention to research long forgotten and a flurry of new activity to study, measure, define, teach and promote the concept of Emotional Intelligence.  And while researchers still differ with respect to the specific qualities believed to comprise Emotional Intelligence, most would agree that Emotional Intelligence plays a critical role in our ability to function effectively in life.

Thus far, I've chosen to adopt Daniel Goleman's model of Emotional Intelligence as I believe it provides a simple, easy to understand framework for thinking about Emotional Intelligence and the skills required to promote both personal and professional development.  This model focuses on five areas of emotional competence as follows:

  • Self-Awareness
  • Self-Regulation
  • Motivation
  • Empathy
  • Social Skills

While you will find classes addressing many of these areas throughout this website, classes providing an overview of emotional intelligence and offering training in some of the more relevant skill sets are listed below.


Brain Basics for Adult Learners  Learn what makes your brain tick, how "Deep Practice" improves learning, what makes "experts" expert, and why passively sitting back and doing nothing can be harmful to your brain. We'll explore the role physical fitness plays in learning, why exercising your brain is just as important as exercising your body, and how common adult learning strategies often sabotage our success. Leave knowing what it takes to develop brain friendly learning strategies tailored to your interests, needs, and lifestyle--essential skills for business, pleasure, and everyday life.


Raise Your Emotional Intelligence (EQ) For Business or Pleasure  Ever notice that successful people aren't always the brightest or technically skilled people in their craft?  Well, you're right.  Studies show that Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is a better predictor of success in our business, personal and social lives than our IQ.  What's more, our EQ can even affect our health!  Learn why EQ is so important to our overall sense of well-being.


Increasing Your Child's "EQ" (Emotional Intelligence)  While a person's IQ is thought to be relatively fixed, Emotional Intelligence (or our EQ) is believed to develop over the course of a lifetime. Why not give your child a head start?  Explore what EQ is all about. We'll review five of the basic qualities believed to comprise EQ and why researchers now suspect that a person's EQ may contribute more to their success in life than their IQ. We'll discuss ways to identify your child's emotional strengths and weaknesses and what you can do to bolster their emotional success.


Goal-Oriented Communication: Results With Words   A good conversation is like a carefully planned trip'it helps to know where you're going before you get there.  In this class, you'll learn to develop a "roadmap" for effective communication.  Armed with fundamental techniques for good communication, you'll learn to identify communication goals in yourself and others, to recognize differences in communication patterns from person to person and adjust your style accordingly, to channel conversations in the direction you want them to go and to avoid unnecessary conflict with the turn of a phrase.  More importantly, you'll learn the power that focusing on your goals can have on the outcome of your conversations—valuable tools for both your business and personal life.


Why New Year's Resolutions Fail & What You Can Do About It!  Have you ever made a New Year's resolution you didn't keep? Welcome to the club. Every year millions of people "resolve" to make changes in their lives, but few succeed. Why? Because they're going about it the wrong way. Resolutions don't just happen, we have to make them happen. In this class, we'll get to the bottom of "resolution busters—things that almost always guarantee our resolutions will fail. We'll explore everything from brain functions that make change difficult to common myths and strategies for change that can make or break your best efforts. You'll leave with simple solutions designed to keep your resolutions on track this time around. This class is for anyone who wants to understand the practicalities of making long-term behavior and lifestyle change in their lives.


Exceptional People Skills  Have you noticed how some people make great first impressions and seem to get along with everyone they meet? This class teaches you how to improve your people skills and establish a better rapport with coworkers, friends and family alike. From the words you use to your body language, we'll discuss communication styles that encourage and motivate others, while commanding respect and helping you stand out in a crowd. Learn how to handle conflict constructively, make your point without making an enemy and get to "yes" through persuasion, not coercion.



Renée Gilbert, Ph.D.
40 Lake Bellevue, Suite 100, Bellevue, WA 98005
(425) 455-5400 Email: socialskills@reneegilbert.com

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